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Health Tip – Add Protein Powder to Your Baking July 29, 2011

Filed under: Advice — Fall into My Eyes @ 7:57 pm

Health Tip – Add Protein Powder to Your Baking

Add Protein Powder to your BakingMany people struggle to get in their protein during the day.  We’ve come up with a creative solution, and it’s far easier than you thought.

Boost your protein intake and speed up your weight loss, and consider using protein powder in some of the baking you do.

In most recipes, it’s really as simple as replacing half of the flour you need with a protein powder instead which will not only increase the overall protein content of your baked good (which is traditionally quite low) but it will also add great taste.

An added bonus: it will make you feel fuller when you finish eating it.

Vanilla and chocolate flavored protein powders typically work the best, though there are also many fruit variety flavors available on the market as well today. You’ll find a variety of protein powders to be very versatile, so try some experimental baking with them. After a few adventurous baking sessions, you will see how well they fit in to a lot of your favorite recipes. 

If you are using protein powder in your baking you’ll want to look for a soy or whey variety.  Stay away from casein protein powders, as these generally don’t work as well.

Add Protein Powder to Other Foods too

Try stirring protein powder into a bowl of oatmeal, or mixing it into cottage cheese, or adding it to your yogurt smoothie.

So there you have some quick and easy tips that will help you boost your protein intake. 

-Dr. Cederquist


5 Responses to “Health Tip – Add Protein Powder to Your Baking”

  1. That’s kind of… abrupt.

  2. Leighann Ostrosky Says:

    If you haven’t got time for anything else in the morning, make time to drink a big glass of water. We lose a lot of oxygen through the night and to rejuvenate our cells, we need to supply them with water and oxygen. Drink a glass of water and within a week you’ll begin to feel less tired. I like the taste of water, but I know some people do not so if you’re one of them, squeeze some fresh lime into your water to give it taste and drink up.-

    My personal webpage

    • You’re absolutely right. Water is the fuel we need to keep our bodies running correctly. 🙂 I personally make it a point to drink 12 8 oz glasses a day! Keeps me feeling great! Thanks for posting. Please subscribe… I enjoy feedback such as this.

  3. Reginia Boadway Says:

    Unfortunately, when you walk into your local health food store to purchase a whey protein powder, you will probably be expecting a qualified sales person who knows all about the products on the shelf. What you will actually – most likely – encounter is a teenager who doesn’t know the first thing about body building, much less the products on the shelf in the store where he or she works. They are just there for the minimum wage paycheck. Even if the sales person is qualified to answer your questions, they represent their company – not you – and will suggest the product that nets them the highest profit, instead of the product that is going to net you the most benefit. `

    Take a look at the most popular post at our very own blog

    • Thank you Reginia- I’ll check that post out. You’re right… you simply cannot trust the advice many people give you- even at health food stores. It’s a shame really. You want to go into a place of business and speak to someone who knows what they are talking about. Unfortunately, the sales associates are usually given a crash course about the main products, and a sales pitch for the customers. I am lucky enough to have a health store close to me with an expert on health, medicines, and other supplements. She also refuses to let others work for her that have no idea about the products or have never used them. It’s very beneficial to the customers. Why would I believe someone telling me about a whey protein product they have never used, nor do they know anyone who has used it? If I am capable of giving a more in depth review of a product then the sales associate, something is wrong.

      Thanks for the feedback- I definitely enjoyed it. Please subscribe and keep in touch. I love valuable feedback that adds to the discussion. Thanks again!

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