Fall Into My Eyes

…and discover the world

A long day August 31, 2011

Filed under: Blogs — Fall into My Eyes @ 7:44 am

Hey everyone. Just wanted to get a quick post in to say hey and ask how my readers have been doing today 🙂 I see a lot of people catching up on the posts and that is awesome 🙂 Be sure to ask any questions you have, or tell me about a  topic you want to read about and I will get it going :).

Today has been a long day for me. Between running around and getting kids to school and doing school work for the marketing class I just started today, things have been hectic. I locked my keys in my truck this morning when I stopped at the store on my way to take my 4-year-old to VPK. That wasn’t fun! I had to wait for the hubby to drive all the way from town to bring them to me! On top of that, there were bees everywhere outside of the store; and for those of you who have not kept up with my posts, my 4-year-old is terrified of anything flying ever since he was attacked by a swarm of bees about a month or so ago. So. that made for an interesting wait period. But, alas, I got him to school. He is doing much better in his second week there. no more crying! YAY! 🙂 I am so proud of him :). My other son, who is 6, is in first grade now…and this is his second week, which means……(music playing) HOMEWORK! He is doing great with it though. In fact, he has his first test on Thursday (pre-test for spelling). And we have been studying a few times a night for it. I think he is going to do awesome.

I have also had a horrible tension headache all week…and it has only gotten worse. Nothing seems to make it go away and my head, neck, and shoulders are KILLING me! And…my hubby is such a wonderful man! He brought me home a bouquet of flowers 🙂 and some Excedrin tension meds! YAY! I took them…but they still have not helped me any… I cannot take anymore until 9 pm, which is in about 20 minutes. I welcome 9pm…I want this pain to stop already! But I am reminded how lucky I am…he brought me meds to help the physical pain, and flowers to help the emotional pain…..:D I love him SO much!!!!!!

Other than that..things are going great. I am gonna listen to my meditation music on the nano as I fall asleep tonight..that should help relax me enough for me to fall asleep.

So, for now, I am gonna sign off and relax until I can take the meds and hit the bed! 🙂

Stay open-minded and have a great night!!!



2 Responses to “A long day”

  1. Belinda Says:

    I am so sorry you are not feeling well. We will be home Wednesday. Let me help if I can. Miss you all.

    • Thanks for the comment. I am sure it will pass…I am just a bit miserable while it is still here :/ eh. I hear that you guys have had a great time up there! I am so excited for you all! We hope to see lots of pictures when you get back home! Be safe driving! Love ya’ll!


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